BBIN Focus

April 21, 2023

BBIN Games API integration

The most complete five categories of products


Top online entertainment platform, BBIN offers diverse products and evolves with the times!

BBIN is a well-established gambling company with more than 20 years of experience and is the market leader in the Asian gambling game platform. We have a highly experienced design and development team and offer five self-developed game products, including Casino Games, Live Games, Lottery Games, Battle Games, and Sports Betting. Our games not only feature popular gameplay from around the world but we also frequently launch new games to keep our members feeling fresh and up-to-date with market trends. We accurately grasp the preferences of global users and aim to create games that players feel a sense of brand ownership towards

BBIN's top five recommended game categories

BB电子自研发破百款多元特色产品,涵盖老虎机、捕鱼机、 特色游戏 、桌上游戏及大型机台等,更加入独创双层、四层彩金设计,激发玩家持续游玩的欲望

Casino Games(More Details)

Top pick: BB Casino - Candy Party

BB Casino offers more than a hundred unique products, including slots, fishing games, featured games, table games, etc. Our games incorporate original double-layer and four-layer jackpot designs, which stimulate players' desire to continue playing


Live Games(More Details)

Top pick: BB Live - Baccarat

We offer a complete range of live games with a large number of tables, allowing players from all over the world to play to their heart's content. We provide Chinese and European-American dealers who can deal cards and support online chat systems. Our streaming product output is stable, and we utilize blockchain technology to provide a safe betting environment for users

BB、XBB彩票不仅提供「中港台官彩」及「各国热门官彩」,更提供「自开彩」供选择,导入近年最热门的区块链技术,并考量不同玩家的下注习惯,BB 彩票提供传统版及官方版两种下注介面

Lottery Games(More Details)

Top pick: BB Lottery - Ladder Game

We not only provide official lotteries from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and various countries but we also offer "self-opening lotteries" for selection. We have introduced the hottest blockchain technology in recent years and considered the different betting habits of players. BB Lottery provides two types of betting interfaces: traditional and official


Battle Games(More Details)

Top pick: BB Battle - Baccarat

Our Card Games cover the popular games in the current market and continue to add new ones. We use the latest technological trend of "blockchain technology" to ensure fair gameplay and let players bet with peace of mind


Sports Betting(More Details)

We offer two types of Sports Betting, BB Sports and NEW BB Sports. We have an average of over 75,000 events per month and more than 125 types of daily ball games. We support more than 495 types of betting methods per game and allow multiple bets on six games at the same time, bringing a revolutionary change to online sports betting


BBIN Game Product Advantages

API是什么意思?经验丰富的BBIN团队 - BBIN拥有经验丰富的设计与研发团队,打造符合市场趋势的游戏产品,更拥有洞悉各国市场的专业团队,让您精准掌握全球用户喜好

Experienced BBIN Team

BBIN has an experienced design and development team that creates games that follow market trends. BBIN also has a professional team that has insights into various country markets, allowing you to accurately understand the preferences of global users


API是什么意思?支持多国语系与币值 - BBIN游戏使用HTML5下注介面,并支援APP投注,更支持繁、简、英、泰、越南、印尼、韩文等多国语系,并开放人民币、印尼盾、越南盾等17种币值,并支持加密货币

Support for Multiple Languages and Currencies

BBIN games use HTML5 betting interface and support app betting. They also support multiple languages including traditional and simplified Chinese, English, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Korean. BBIN games also allow for 17 different currencies including Chinese yuan, Indonesian rupiah, Vietnamese dong, and even support for cryptocurrency



Contact us for White Label Solutions and API Integration to build your entertainment empire now!


